A petition launched in Lyon to request the permanent closure of the zoo in the Tête d'Or park

undefined 17 septembre 2024 undefined 18h52

The Editor

The zoo in the Tête d'Or park certainly has many critics. After taking the administrative court this summer to demand more transparency about the operational costs of this iconic zoo in the 6th arrondissement, the PAZ association, which already organized a happening in front of the Lyon City Hall last March, has now launched a petition to demand its permanent closure.

Living conditions deemed indecent

The park, visited by 7 million people each year, is accused by activists of not providing decent living conditions for its residents. “The monkeys are kept in enclosures that are too small, deprived of fresh air, and the panthers pace in ridiculously small spaces that don’t meet their needs,” they denounce. And what about the giraffes, red pandas, or otters? “They...

condemned to a life of confinement » ?

The petition has already gathered nearly 6,000 signatures, with a clear goal: to follow in Marseille's footsteps from 1987 and permanently close the zoo. Activists are keen to remind us that the cities of Nancy and Strasbourg have also ended captivity.

wild animals in their municipal zoos.

The Lyon City Hall Under Pressure

On the municipal side, the message is more nuanced. Grégory Doucet, the EELV mayor of Lyon, did announce back in 2020 that “wild animals don’t belong in enclosures.” But today, no closures are on the agenda. The city hall prefers to talk about "transition." The idea is to rethink the zoo to better meet the needs of the species, while keeping those that cannot be reintroduced into the wild.

« A fine piece of work, species by species » is announced by Gautier Chapuis, the deputy in charge of biodiversity, in comments shared by Le Figaro. Some animals may even be moved to more suitable facilities. The Tête d'Or Zoo, a gem for some and a topic of controversy for others, remains a place of deep reflection. But the battle is far from over. So, should we say a final goodbye to the Lyon zoo? Stay tuned…

Source : Le Figaro