Great deal: Habitat furniture at -60% at Noz in the coming weeks!

undefined 20 mai 2024 undefined 13h00

The Editor

Noz, that's the ultimate clearance store, the kind we used to love hating when we were young. Wherever they are located in France, these blocks of archaic appearance always gave off the same smell, the one of a painful childhood during which we were forcibly dragged there by a stepmother called by good deals. Our perception was distorted: from this soulless place (that hasn't changed), poorly organized and crowded, we were unaware of all the benefits. Yes, once past the majority, the Mayenne company transforms from a temple of boredom into a treasure trove, and in the coming days in particular, as French Noz stores share the stock of the defunct brand Habitat. 

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130,000 Furniture Items at -60%

When it comes to decorating your home carefully, without a good deal, you often end up spending a fortune. But fear not, at least for the days to come, as there are 130,000 furniture and decoration items now available at all at -60% off their boutique price, as stated by Noz in a press release. This stock comes directly from 22 Habitat stores (out of the 24 being liquidated).

The Noz teams are working hard to quickly organize the recovery of the stock. In the upcoming days, the furniture (sofas, bookshelves, tables and other design furniture) will be delivered to about a hundred stores. The decoration items will be available to find in the coming weeks.

C'a.End of the line for Habitat? On December 28, 2023, the news broke: Habitat, a furniture and decoration brand created in 1964, was placed in judicial liquidation. A downfall attributed to various factors, including inflation, rising commercial rents, declining store traffic, and several internal mistakes by CEO Thierry Le Guénic, according to employees interviewed by Capital. This left behind a little over 300 employees, mountains of unpaid bills, and 9 million euros in deposits paid by customers who never managed to receive their furniture or refunds. However, on April 23, a turnaround occurred: the Cafom group, which had transferred the operation of the brand in 2020, made a significant comeback.And more remained the owner of the brand, announced the relaunch of Habitat, but this time online. Thus, as indicated in the columns of the newspaper Le Monde, the management promised the affected customers the opportunity to request a voucher on The site is expected to reopen in four to five weeks, with some iconic models initially, it announced.Hey there! Check out this cool widget that will bring some fun and joy to your webpage. Just copy and paste the code below:
