Great news! The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region has come up with a solution to preserve the Lyon-Bordeaux line.

undefined 18 juin 2024 undefined 08h31

The Editor

A New Lease of Life for the Lyon-Bordeaux Line

The failure of Railcoop did not mark the end of the story for the Lyon-Bordeaux line. On the contrary, it seems to have sparked renewed regional ambition. Inspired by the success of the Nantes-Lyon line, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region sees a promising future for French cross-country routes. "It's a success that shows that cross-country routes have a future," according to statements from the local government as reported by Actu Lyon.

Intercity Trains, a Solution for the Future

The Territorial Equilibrium Trains (TET) are medium and long-distance routes serving major French cities not connected by high-speed trains. These trains fulfill national interest missions by helping to connect areas that were previously isolated. And by offering cross-country connections, sometimes even via night trains.

The State, as the organizing authority of TET, contracts the service of these trains, decides on the routes, and ensures the connections between different regions of France.The Intercités network connects cities, ensures sustainable transportation in France, and is partially funded by public contributions. The State oversees 13 lines including Paris-Limoges-Toulouse, Bordeaux-Marseille, Lyon-Nantes, and more. A proposal for a new Bordeaux-Lyon line has been supported by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, recognizing its potential for residents and territories. The aim is to offer an eco-friendly alternative to planes and cars, meeting the growing demand for sustainable transport solutions. This project could bring back the Lyon-Bordeaux line in a big way!

And now?

The ball is now in the State's court. The proposal from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region is on the table, awaiting a decision that could have a significant impact on the future of transportation in the region. Let's hope for a positive outcome that will benefit both residents and the environment. A new rail connection in the region could give a new impetus to this long-awaited rail connection. In the meantime, we cross our fingers and already dream of train journeys through the beautiful landscapes of our beautiful France.