Lyon is among the top 10 best cities in the world for eating on a budget

undefined 18 janvier 2024 undefined 12h47

The Editor

Although Lyon, the undisputed stronghold of French and international cuisine, does not hold the scepter of the French leader in this category, it stands out with a culinary offering worthy of its reputation. The gastronomy capital ranks as the 7th best city in the world for eating well on a budget, according to a study conducted by the British SEO agency Digitaloft and the Canadian site SpinGenie. With 434 affordable establishments spread throughout its bustling streets, the city of Lyon boasts a nice ratio of 8.3 budget-friendly restaurants per 10,000 inhabitants. However, in the French hierarchy, it bows down to the gastronomic magnificence of the capital, Paris, proudly holding the 5th position with an impressive ratio of 11.1 inexpensive restaurants per 10,000 inhabitants. Aix-en-Provence, with its Mediterranean charm, closely follows in 6th place with a ratio of 10.6. But what makes Lyon such a popular destination is its lively atmosphere and diverse culinary scene. Lyon may be surpassed by Paris and Aix-en-Provence in terms of affordable dining options, but it still remains a top choice for food lovers from around the world. So, when in Lyon, be sure to indulge in the delicious cuisine that this vibrant city has to offer! Are you food lovers on a budget? The study takes into account various criteria ranging from the average price of a culinary getaway to the richness of French culinary traditions. Lyon may not be number one in the rankings, but it definitely holds its own when it comes to providing a delightful dining experience without breaking the bank. So, come to Lyon and enjoy the feast of flavors waiting for you!Flavors that tickle the taste buds. It also examines cities with the highest number of restaurants where you can enjoy delicious dishes without emptying your wallet. At the top of this gourmet ranking is the city of George Town in Malaysia, a true paradise for budget-conscious foodies. "And you see, it doesn't cost more to eat well!" Source: Lyon Mag