According to a study, 87% of the people in Lille say they are happy to live in Lille

undefined 9 juillet 2024 undefined 09h00

The Editor

This figure of 87% may seem very high, but in reality, it's not that much. It's a bit like if you had scored 16 on a test, where the vast majority of the class got 19... Let us explain. The study was conducted on a panel of 700 people from Lille (which is actually quite small compared to the number of inhabitants in this city). And it's among these 700 people from Lille that exactly 88% responded positively to the quality of life. The overall European average is 89%, with residents of Copenhagen responding at 98% with a resounding "yes." And if we compare with French cities, residents of Rennes and Bordeaux responded favorably at 96,9% and 92,9% respectively. Joyful news indeed!

Among the areas evaluated to achieve this satisfactory quality of life score for 88% of Lille residents "only": health (89% satisfied), finances (which Lille residents still consider adequate at 67% when the European average is at 72%), culture, family living environment, as well as cleanliness, security, access to sports facilities, and culture.


The worst scores go to the "ease of finding a job" section where only 30% of Lille residents surveyed agree. Also, security and crime are factors that bring down the survey. 
