
Cultural events not to be missed at Fnac Lille this spring

undefined undefined 26 avril 2024 undefined 09h28

undefined undefined 29 avril 2024 undefined 06h28

The Editor

From the beginning of May, Fnac Lille invites you to three cultural events with various themes. Meet the philosopher Charles Pépin on Thursday, May 2nd at Fnac Lille for a time of exchanges followed by a book signing from 5:30pm to 7pm. "How can we turn our past into a strength for the future? This is the question we will explore with philosopher Charles Pépin during a book signing event for his new book 'Living with your past' (Allary Editions)."

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Book signing with French manga artist Yoann Vornière 

The next cultural event will take place on Friday, May 17th starting at 5pm and is sure to please manga enthusiasts! Yoann Vornière (also known as Yo-one), author of the Silence saga, will be present to sign the second volume. Planned as a four-volume series, this story immerses us in a world where humans are hunted by monsters. It rediscoveries the positive spirit of shônen, which is the strength of always believing in one's success despite obstacles and failures. 

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Mentalist Fabien Olicard signing at Fnac Lille

On Saturday, June 1st, mentalist Fabien Olicard will be signing his new book "Your Attention is Your Superpower". In this book, he discusses the influence of media and networks on our brains and how to regain control. "In this book, he invites you to test your level of attention and become aware of your abilities, without judgment. From this assessment, he will give you all the keys to understand how your attention works in order to fully master it. You will have simple tools at your disposal, to be adopted daily, to improve your attention skills and regain power." He will be at Fnac from 2pm to 4pm. 

Fnac Lille

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See you there? 😊

Discover the best of Fnac's cultural programming at leclaireur.fnac.com/agenda/