Some restaurants offer student meals for 2€ in Bordeaux

undefined 25 février 2021 undefined 10h38

The Editor

The figures on student precariousness in the time of Covid are edifying. A recent survey revealed that 50% of students had considered abandoning their university studies due to their financial situation. Faced with this societal scourge, initiatives are multiplying. The distribution of free hygiene products, free access to cultural institutions, and priority measures for access to housing are just a few examples. The Bordeaux group Homy Kitchens wanted to contribute by offering low-cost student meals. From the beginning of the pandemic, the group has shown solidarity. First by delivering 700 meals to hospital staff and firefighters during the first lockdown, and then by adding a.campaign dedicated to donation on delivery platforms (still in effect) then donated to an association. Recently, during the holiday season, he created a participatory Advent calendar to showcase the city's restaurateurs.

The train of solidarity is on the move

The latest initiative started 15 days ago? Student meals for €2 every weekend in February every Saturday and Sunday at noon. When this news broke, other restaurants in Bordeaux joined the operation. Melobowls, Makito, and Heiko are now part of the group and are cooking affordable meals for students. These meals range from €2 to €4. The discount is given upon presentation of a student card. And the success is evident as PokeMoon & Paula together welcomed 400 students during the campaign launch. And they were nearly 500 last weekend.

Let's take a look at this delightful image from Bordeaux! Just click on the link below to see the full picture: