Greta Thunberg demonstrates in Bordeaux against oil drilling in the Arcachon Basin

undefined 12 février 2024 undefined 08h06

The Editor

Greta Thunberg in Bordeaux: A Historic Moment

In the crowd of several thousand protesters, the leading figure in the fight against climate change was there. Firmly against political exploitation, Greta Thunberg even played a game of cat and mouse with the media and refused to be photographed with the Bordeaux officials.

The eco-activist star was not there for the image but to defend her beliefs. The day before, she was present at the demonstration against the A69 Toulouse-Castres.

NO to new oil wells in the Arcachon Basin

The protest organized by the Stop Oil in the Arcachon Basin collective was chanting opposition to the drilling of 8 new oil wells in the Arcachon Basin operated by the company Vermilion."While France made commitments during COP25 through the Paris accords, allowing these new drillings would be madness," declared Pierre Hurmic, who was also part of the march.Other prominent associations were also present, such as Greenpeace, Extinction Rebellion, and Uprisings of the Earth.

Greta Thunberg was spotted around 2:30 PM as the procession made its way to Pey-Berland Square. The project, which seems absurd, is drawing international attention. It is reminded that the exploitation of hydrocarbons must gradually stop in France by 2040. The final decision, made by the State and the Prefect of Gironde Etienne Guyot, is expected in April.