
A direct train from Bordeaux to London in 2026?

undefined undefined 19 août 2024 undefined 09h00

The Editor

A Wine Train between Bordeaux and London for 2026?

After staying quiet for a while, the idea popped back up on Wednesday, August 7. The Instagram account UK Explores, which has 530,000 followers, claims that a high-speed direct train will connect London to Bordeaux as early as 2026. This new line would operate on the HS1 (High Speed One), which is the only high-speed line in the UK between the Channel Tunnel and London.Expected in 2026, this new train would take 5 hours to link Bordeaux to the British capital.

The concept of this Wine Train has encountered several hurdles since 2018, like Covid, Brexit, and various logistical challenges... Now, the exciting question is whether this idea will finally come to life! With over a million travelers flying between London and Bordeaux each year, this train route could really help reduce the carbon footprint of air travel. The stats say that one short-haul flight is equivalent to 13 high-speed train journeys.