These 3 cities in the Bordeaux Metropolis where the residents are the richest

undefined 27 août 2024 undefined 08h43

The Editor

As every year, Le Figaro reveals its unique study on the evolution of French incomes in nearly 250 cities, analyzing average incomes and the proportion of wealthy tax households (earning over €100,000 net annually) of French families over the past 10 years.

In Bordeaux, the 3 wealthiest cities of the metropolitan area are none other than Bordeaux (not surprising), Pessac, and Talence. However, we must admit that the surprise of not seeing Le Bouscat was quite significant!

Bordeaux tops the list of the richest cities in Gironde with an exciting increase of 7.33% in average taxable income per household, landing it in the 42nd place nationally among the richest cities in France. Pessac (+4.87%) and Talence (+3.76%) come in at 60th and 76th place respectively on the national leaderboard. Following them are Mérignac and Villenave-d'Ornon.
