Matsa Caffè : A sunny address in Bastide
Unique in Bordeaux, Matsa Caffè becomes the first vegetarian Italian restaurant in Bordeaux. A daring challenge taken on successfully by Sara and Matthieu, an Italian-French couple who are partners in life as well as behind the counter. "Matsa", a combination of their two names, is the result of their shared passion for food and their deep commitment to the planet. In 2020, after traveling the world, they decided to launch their business as a chef and bartender for hire between Bordeaux and the Arcachon Bay.
©Matsa Caffè BordeauxGourmet coffee shop and sunny veggie canteen
Thanks to their success and their desire to physically settle in the city of Bordeaux to concoct their unique recipes, they are investing in a small corner of Bastide in the quest for a Mediterranean & ethical dining experience. Since its opening in February 2022, Matsa Caffè offers a modern, gourmet, and healthy menu with an Italian touch. The coffee shop and canteen, open for lunch on weekdays and on Thursday evenings, also offers a beautiful selection of Alchimiste coffees.
©Matsa Caffè BordeauxLa Dolce Vita responsable
Ouvert dès le matin pour proposer un petit-déjeuner de qualité (avec pâtisseries homemade en prime), le Matsa Caffè apporte un peu de vie dans un coin calme et paisible du quartier. Le midi, la table labellisée "écotable" et "ocean friendly" sert ses assiettes faites maison, avec des produits frais issus de leurs producteurs chéris. A la carte ? Des antipasti à se lécher les babines (la panzanella aux tomates fait fureur), la délicieuse focaccia pétrie et cuite sur place tous les matins qui se décline à toutes les sauces et des pâtes (sinon rien) travaillées avec de la crème de courgettes à l'ail, des aubergines fondantes ou encore du croustillant de tournesol.
©Matsa Caffè Bordeaux